Jesus Time


Monday-Friday 7 am - 5:30 pm

Peace Lutheran Preschool is Christian based, with Chapel being held each month, along with having Jesus time in each classroom.  December 2024, Chapel centered on the birth of Jesus.  The children learned that presents, lights, decorations and candy are fun BUT.... the most important part of Christmas is JESUS and how we need to keep Him as the center of our lives.  The children sang happy birthday to Jesus and listened when the story was read from the Bible about Jesus being born.  They were given a Happy Birthday Jesus coloring page with the hope  that it will be hung up at home where everyone can see it as a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas.  


WE CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS AND BAPTISMAL BIRTHDAYS EACH MONTH!  These children had birthdays in December and were given a gift during Chapel time.  

Each month at Chapel, items are collected to be given to various organizations/charities.  In December, our donations are going to be given to veterans, and this picture shows some of the items given.  We have wonderful support from our parents!